• How to integrate Clamtk antivirus with Dolphin file manager?

    ClamTk is a graphical front-end for ClamAV opensource antivirus. It is designed to be an easy-to-use, lightweight, on-demand antivirus scanner for Linux systems. it's available in most linux distribution repository.
    The application has some addons, which provide context menu functionality for file managers, Thunar, Nemo, GNOME Files and Dolphin, allowing users to directly send files to ClamTk for scanning. 
    The majority of distribution only include clamtk-gnome file addon, so how to integrate clamtk with dolphin in such a case? I will explain that in this humble tutorial, let's go.

    • Clamtk dolphin file manager integration
    1. Install clamtk using the command line or the software center. I use manjaro on this tutorial so change the command line depending on the distribution you use. 
    sudo pacman -Syu clamtk
    1. Download dolphin clamtk addon from the official developer page.
    1. Extarct dolphin clamtk addon files from the file archive.
    2. Open a terminal window and move the current directory to Downloads directory. 
    cd Downloads
    1. Lists directory contents using the ls command.
    2. Copy clamtk-kde.desktop file to the services folder. 
     cp clamtk-kde.desktop /usr/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/
    1. Restart dolphin and enjoy virus scanning on Linux. 
    2. All done.
    📣 Do you think that Linux system needs an antivirus?

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